where i am, what i'm thinking, and what is being made in the process...art, life, and everything in between.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
A break from the studio.
I've been trying to post a link to the original pattern but am not able to get it to work for some reason (note to self to figure this out). If anyone is interested, just type in 'spool sewing bird pattern' in your search field and you should find it quite easily.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Love, Me Boutique
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Not tonight.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Never enough time!
I hope the woman on the other end is understanding (and just a little bit forgiving!). She seemed really nice when I met her and talked to her on the phone the other day.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
It's been awhile...
Check it out: www.colourlovers.com
I must say though, it sure is nice to see the pots piling up in the studio. My first order goes out next week!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
My birthday!
'Si vous etes ne aujourd'hui: Vous avez le don de l'expression ecrite et etes souvent attire par les arts. Vous trouverez a la fois success et bonheur comme acteur, peintre, dessinateur, danseur, ou decorateur. Votre faculte de creer n'est pas limitee seulement aux arts, mais s'etend a d'autres secteurs. Dans les affaires, vous vendrez et reussirez dans les relations publiques, la publicite, la Bourse et la banque. Vous etes aussi inventif et decouvrirez ce qui peut etre benefique a l'ensemble de la communaute. L'enseignement et le service social vous conviendront aussi.'
For those of you who may not understand, this says that I have a gift for written expression, and will be attracted to the arts. A career as an actor, painter, illustrator, dancer, or decorator would suit me. It goes on to say that my creativity is not limited to the arts but that I could find success in public relations, the media, teaching, and social services. It also says that I am inventive and may discover something that will be beneficial to the community at large...
What a thought!